Connect To God (Devotion)
At Groundswell, we believe that following Jesus doesn’t have to be the same old, same old. In our world of technology, we are finding new ways to connect with God here on the internet. Join us for a new form of digital devotion by utilizing these tools including guided prayers, creative meditations, worship videos, testimonies, and short reflections on Scripture.
Guided prayers are short videos that help us walk through a time with God to get us in the right headspace and help eliminate distractions.
Creative meditations utilize observations on nature and life that help us see God in the midst of day to day activity.
Our worship videos are songs of praise, thanks, repentance, and lament that we can sing to God and pour out our hearts in emotionally and spiritually healthy ways.
Reflections on Scripture are short engagements with the truths we find in the Bible that help realign our minds and refocus our perspectives on the teachings of Jesus.