
Sunday Services

Join Us!

Join us in-person every Sunday at 10:00am as we come together to connect with the Lord through spirit-lead teaching by a variety of christian theologians, and engaging worship music by a variety of gifted worship leaders. .

Our church services take place in Community Rooms 1-3 at Tansley Woods Community Centre, 1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington, every Sunday from 10:00am until approximately 11:00am (approximately 60-75 minutes). 

We normally sing three worship songs at the beginning of the service, then the Pastor will speak for about 30-45 minutes, followed by communion, and then finish off the service with two worship songs. 

For families sitting together we provide Kid’s Kits with stories, crafts, snacks and more. You can use a Kid’s Kit to help your child experience learning about God at their level, while being part of the larger gathering.

For younger children, or those who need a bit more space and want to interact other children, the Kid’s Corner (at the back of the worship area) is a special place for them. Kid’s Corner is supervised, and volunteers help children sing, learn, pray and interact with other children, just steps away from their parents.

For those with newborns or toddlers that may need a brief break from the service from time to time, we also have outdoor and sheltered spaces available for parents to step out and explore with their children, then rejoin services when their little ones are ready.

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