
Groundswell Kids

Fun & Safe

‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’ Proverbs 22:6

Welcome to Groundswell Kids!
At Groundswell we believe that being part of authentic, heartfelt worship is the most valuable gift a parent can give to their child, and we invite you to bring your children into worship services with you.

Our aim is for our children to catch the passion for community worship by watching their parents enjoy learning, praying, singing, and sharing in community week after week.

There are two options for children to join their parents for Sunday services.

For families sitting together we provide Kid’s Kits with stories, crafts, snacks and more. You can use a Kid’s Kit to help your child experience learning about God at their level, while being part of the larger gathering.

For younger children, or those who need a bit more space and want to interact other children, the Kid’s Corner (at the back of the worship area) is a special place for them. Kid’s Corner is supervised, and volunteers help children sing, learn, pray and interact with other children, just steps away from their parents.

Breathing Spaces
For those with newborns or toddlers that may need a brief break from the service from time to time, we also have outdoor and sheltered spaces available for parents to step out and explore with their children, then rejoin services when their little ones are ready.

We’re committed to creating an enriched and safe environment for your children to experience God in meaningful ways.

Our Sunday morning volunteers go through a thorough and lengthy vetting and onboarding process. Many of our volunteers are experienced parents who have chosen to have their own children in services during their early years.

For more information call Peggy @ 416-949-6698


The Groundswell Church's Safe Kid Program

We understand that we are reflecting God’s love to those in our presence, and it is of the utmost importance we maintain a high standard of care in our classrooms. The Groundswell Church’s Safe Kids Program was created to ensure we create a safe and nurturing environment for all of the children. 

All of our volunteers are background checked and ministry trained. Once your child is in our care, we will ensure they are safe and looked after throughout the duration of their time with us. Each child is given a name-tag with a security code which is matched to the parent/guardian’s pick-up tag. Allergies, medical and cognitive needs are noted, and every effort is made to keep your child safe and happy while they are in our care. If you have any questions about our program or how we will integrate them into our classroom, please contact

Have a question? Let's connect!

The people at The Groundswell Church come from all different walks of life but ALL come as they are - children of God without expectations.
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