

Mission & Vision



A Groundswell of people loving God and neighbours, showing a new way of life through Jesus.


To work with God in renewing and restoring individuals, communities, and Creation, by helping them grow deeper in relationship with Jesus.

What We Believe

Called Of God

Every single human being is being called by God to have an intimate relationship with the loving Creator through Jesus. As a church we feel called to the Burlington community to demonstrate God’s love through genuine relationships with each other, and to everyone we encounter in life. When we discover our identity as part of God’s family, our gifts and passions can be given an opportunity to flourish.

Fixed On Jesus

God’s direction must bring people closer to Jesus. There is one person in history who has changed everything for everyone. He was prophesied to come and when he did, he showed a way of life that involved sacrificing oneself to rid the world of the ugliness of sin and death. When we look toward Jesus, our spiritual blindness begins to heal, and we learn to see ourselves and those around us with a supernatural love. Everything changes when we look at Jesus. A new perspective rises within us, an eternal perspective. (Heb. 12:2)

Empowered By The SPirit

God’s direction comes by the Holy Spirit within. THE SPIRIT IS MOVING!!! Each follower of Jesus has a unique relationship with the Holy Spirit in their life. The spirit gives us spiritual gifts and guides us as we try to apply the Truth of Scripture in real-time in our lives. Together we learn how the Spirit informs our decisions and our actions, that we become a people who reflect the goodness of Jesus in how we live our lives showing the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Grounded In Scripture

God’s direction is always aligned with the Truth He gave in the Bible. As His children, He was loving enough to give us a guidebook, or manual, that helps us know all we need to know for living a life as a disciple of Jesus. He knew the questions we have and the difficulties we would face, and gave us a source of Truth that is a treasure to those who seek its Wisdom. The Word of God is a powerful sword that cuts through the lies, and when we organize our lives in line with the Bible, we start to align ourselves with God. In reading, memorizing, and living out the truth of Scripture, we allow God to continue the work of recreating our minds, transforming our lives in the process.

Formed Through Community

God’s direction can only be discovered and implemented as Christ-followers journey together. We want to be able to feel love whenever we gather together. The followers of Jesus are called to Love One Another as a unique social experiment in authentic community. Every one of us needs to have other people in our lives in order to be fully human. Part of being a new Burlington church is opening ourselves up to journeying together in faith, hope, peace, and love.




Bethany Middleton

Administrative Support

Our Lead Team

Ralph Marshall Lead Team Member

Ralph Marshall


Peggy Grall


Charmaine Idzerda




History of Groundswell

In the summer of 2018, several Burlington families gathered to listen to God and
explore the possibility of planting a new church in the Burlington area. We
reached out to the New Ventures team of the Christian & Missionary Alliance in
Canada and soon joined forces with the Canadian Central District. As we began
our New Venture journey (with the CCD) we engaged in a summer of weekly
sessions to discern God’s direction. As time went by, it became clearer that God
was birthing a new church in the Burlington area and He was providing the right
people and resources at the right time in surprising and wonderful ways.
The Groundswell Church was launched in October 2018. Our strong focus on
Home Group ministry, worship and supporting each other in prayer and practical
ways saw us through Covid and we emerged strong and connected. Are you
looking for a closely connected spiritual community where you are known, your
talents are valued and wherever you are on your journey is welcomed and your
growth is nurtured? Don’t get lost in a mega church environment. Come join us!

Have a question? Let's connect!

The people at The Groundswell Church come from all different walks of life but ALL come as they are - children of God without expectations.
4.4/5 (15 Reviews)