Home Groups
Connect, Change, Cultivate
Recognizing that we all desire to belong, one of the ways we attempt to build spiritual connection and community at The Groundswell Church is through our weekly Community Groups.
These groups have a three-fold mission: 1) Connecting - Living life together and growing deeper in friendship through weekly social gatherings and shared meals, 2) Changing - growing deeper in faith through engaging discussions on sermon topics and book studies, 3) Cultivating - taking what we have learned and living out our faith in our communities, work places, and everyday life.
Each group typically meets in homes and takes a slightly different approach to connecting, changing and cultivating. The Groundswell Church has a strong desire to encourage its members to be the hands and feet of Jesus on our streets and in our neighbourhoods. All of our groups are very welcoming and provide a safe space to belong. Currently, we have groups running in the Burlington, and Oakville area.
1. Oakville (Burloak)
When: Wednesdays, 7:30pm
Leaders: Nick Peros - Nick@nickperos.com
2. Burlington West
When: Wednesday, 7:30pm
Leaders: Ralph and Caz Marshall
Email: Ralph.Marshall1@gmail.com
For more information, please contact info@thegroundswellchurch.com